Summer Bucket List

Photo Credit: City of Bellingham

Photo credit: City of Bellingham

Find the best Mexican food in town

We live a town with an amazing number of local restaurants. We have several favorites but have yet to sample enough Mexican restaurants. Thus this summer we will enjoy the fajitas, burritos, and margaritas on  beautiful sunny patios all in the name of science and finding the best food.

Enjoy a mojito on a patio

Mojito is my favorite cocktail and its hard to get more summer spirited then lime and mint. Plus Bellingham has so many beautiful patios overlooking the bay, I need to make sure and take advantage of my gorgeous surroundings.

Two trips to sunny California

These are already planned and booked but I’m excited to getaway and enjoy the sunshine with family. (Are you noticing the sunshine theme?)

Improve my eyeliner skills

Such a simple petty thing but I would love to be able to confidently do a winged liner look. I’ve always admired the look but never get it right and end up wiping it away. This summer will be the time to learn, practice, and see if I can improve.

Dance regularly again

This item is two part: I want to improve the strength of my ankle so I can dance as well as find a space to dance on a regular basis. With both my husband and I getting new jobs in 2016 the regularity of schedule has been in flux. Now life is as calm as it will ever be and I would like to get back to ballroom dance. It’s how we met and nothing makes me feel more instantly happy then being swung around the dance floor. This is also a physical challenge since I recently sprained my ankle so need to strengthen it as well.


What’s on your summer bucket list? Leave me a comment and let me know how you plan to fill your summer.